April is here and almost gone. It seems like the older I get the faster time goes by. While shopping for Annelie'a prom dress I realized we would only do this one more time. The next important dress we will shop for will be her wedding gown. Wow... I hope that shopping trip is a waaays down the road! I could go into detail about my feelings about it all but then I'll start crying...again so I'll just say that I'm living in the moment as much as I can & enjoying everything as much as I can. I enjoyed being on the jr. class prom committee. It all turned out really nice & sadly I didn't take one picture:( I know...what the heck was I thinking? Sunday was Easter and the wind blew right on schedule but at least it didn't snow. That's been known to happen. This year grandma threw the kids a curve ball & hid all the eggs & candy at my house before anyone showed up for the Easter dinner at her house. These pictures make me wish my rock patio was finished...ahh....someday:) After the candy was hunted & all the kids "cashed in", we put everyone to work hunting the night crawlers that have taken over the back lawn. A couple of years ago Derron came home from a fishing trip with left over night crawlers & put them in the back flower bed. Well...they have multiplied & replenished & are ruining the back yard! We researched what to do & found that if you pour soapy water on the grass, the worms will come up. It was a big hit! Everyone joined in & we caught a lot of night crawlers! Anyone going fishing? We have all the night crawlers you need...we'll even furnish the soap.
Oh my gosh! Thats so crazy about all the night crawlers, Tanner gets to go get some for cub scouts today, sounds like a blast! And Annelie looks so beautiful in her prom dress, she is growing up so fast.
Oh my gosh! Thats so crazy about all the night crawlers, Tanner gets to go get some for cub scouts today, sounds like a blast! And Annelie looks so beautiful in her prom dress, she is growing up so fast.